Turning 30

Published October 15, 2012 by recover3

I can’t say I spent a lot of time of time imaging turning 30. But when I did I don’t think about it I didn’t imagined things like this. I figured that maybe I’d be married and maybe I’d have children. But nothing set in stone – I was determined I wasn’t going to be one of those girls who had their whole lives mapped out and set themselves up for constant disappointment because life wasn’t working out the way they planned. I definitely thought I’d be more mature. That I wouldn’t giggle at the most ridiculous things. That I’d be on my way to owning my own house and that I’d have a stable job in my chosen career. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike the life I have or wish that my life did fit in with all those things. It just makes me wonder how we get these strange images of older people but when we get there we realise they aren’t so different from where we are. We just think they’re old.

I’m only turning 30 next year. In June to be exact. Still some time away. The reason I’m pondering it now is because I got the idea of doing the ’30 before 30′ list that I had read on someone else’s blog. Problem is that I am four months into it and so far I a) haven’t achieved anything off the list and b) don’t even have a list of 30 things. I refuse to put stupid, unrealistic things on the list. I’m trying to take into account the fact that soon I’ll have a new baby to consider as well.

This is my list so far:

1. Have a baby (yes I know this one is technically cheating but I’m allowed at least one easy one!)

2. Get my Chinese beyond absolute beginner level

3. Visit a new country

4. Start my honours in Business Management

5. Learn to play three songs on the guitar well

And that is as far as my list has gotten so far. Not even half way!!!

If you have some suggestions I’d love to hear them. Help me finish my list…

2 comments on “Turning 30

  • They don’t all have to be huge, difficult things. I would suggest aiming for a few that are just a little out of your comfort zone. For me that might be something like take a drive to nowhere in particular and stop for a picnic somewhere beautiful or maybe commit to going to karate at least three times a week (it’s the small things that make the big differences, right?)

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